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SQL join query (joined field as a json object)

I'm using PostgreSQL and I'm using Nodejs and PG package. I have these tables:


 req_id |  customer_id  | details              
  1     |    1          | something


 cust_id |  full_name | age             
  1      |  tarik hh  | 23

I need a query that gives this output after converting it to json.

It's a left join but I need the joined columns as an Object.

       "req_id":"1" , 
       "details":"something" ,
                    "full_name":"tarik hh"


  • Use postgresql's built in json_build_object function and create your own function like so:

    CREATE FUNCTION get_req_w_cust(
      req_id_in int, 
      out results json
    ) AS $$
      SELECT json_build_object(
        'req_id', request_tbl.req_id,
        'details', request_tbl.details,
        'customer', json_build_object(
          'cust_id', customers_tbl.cust_id,
          'full_name', customers_tbl.full_name
      ) INTO results
      FROM request_tbl, customers_tbl
        WHERE request_tbl.customer_id = customers_tbl.cust_id
        AND request_tbl.req_id = req_id_in
    $$ language plpgsql;

    Then you can access it from your code with

    let {rows: [{results}] = await pg.query('select get_req_w_cust($1) AS results',[id]);

    Alternatively just use the query without wrapping it in a function.