I am processing video in azure media service for streaming option from blob container of same storage account by passing blob url. But when ever I process any video with new asset a new container is added under Blob containers and I need to do this for large number of videos on daily basis. So is there a way to use single container for all output asset generate OR is there any other option I can directly stream blob video without using media service ? Also I am using H265SingleBitrate720p for video encode as I want only single resolution video to be generated but is there way I can generate single encode video with same resolution, framerate and bitrate as input asset linked videolike AdaptiveStreming Preset but single file.
I have read some where using sub directories in container but not sure if it is possible and best practice or not.
Looks like this is a duplicate post of the one on the Microsoft Q&A site here. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/527588/is-there-any-way-i-can-use-same-container-for-all.html
Take a look at the detailed response over there first.