I have a custom dialog in my android project and it was working fine. After I removed kotlin extension
from the project, I have modified my code as follows but there is some issue with the Views in the custom dialog. Codes etTitle.visibility = View.GONE
and val newRequest = etDetail.text.toString()
didn't work as I expected. It didn't hide the view etTitle
and the value in the EditText
is not picked also, it always returns emplty even when there is some value.
private lateinit var bindingDialogLayout: CustomDialogBinding
fun specialRequestDialog(currentRequest: String?) {
bindingDialogLayout = CustomDialogBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
val dialogLayout = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_dialog, null)
val etTitle = bindingDialogLayout.etTitle
val etDetail = bindingDialogLayout.etDetails
etTitle.visibility = View.GONE
.setTitle("What is your special request?")
.setPositiveButton("Save") { dialog, which ->
val newRequest = etDetail.text.toString()
if (newRequest.isEmpty()) {
showErrorSnackBar("Type in if you have any special request, else hit cancel", true)
} else {
addButton.visibility = View.GONE
deleteButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE
.setNegativeButton("Cancel") { dialog, which ->
You set the wrong view to the dialog. Use this instead: