I have the following piece of code:
data class DMSAngle(var degree: Double, var minute: Double, var second: Double)
fun coordinateInverseCalculation(point1: Point3D, point2: Point3D){
val horizontalDistance = sqrt(
(point2.easting - point1.easting).pow(2.0) +
(point2.northing - point1.northing).pow(2.0)
val heightDifference = point2.height - point1.height
val slopePercent = (heightDifference / horizontalDistance) * 100
val slopeDistance = sqrt(
(point2.easting - point1.easting).pow(2.0) +
(point2.northing - point1.northing).pow(2.0) +
(point2.height - point1.height).pow(2.0)
val point12D = Point(easting = point1.easting, northing = point1.northing)
val point22D = Point(easting = point2.easting, northing = point2.northing)
val g12 = gizement(point12D, point22D)
val g12DMS = decimalDegreesToDMS(g12)
I want the values horizontalDistance: Double
, heightDifference: Double
, slopePercent: Double
, slopeDistance: Double
and g12DMS: DMSAngle
to be returned from the function. How can I do this?
I also need a comprehensive guide in order to understand how to return multiple values (with or without different types) from a function in Kotlin. I have read about this and have been heard of Pair
, Triple
, Array<Any>
, List
, interface
, sealed class
or using the trick of creating data class to return and then destructing, but it seems that most of these are used to return primitive data types
not data classes
and since I'm a beginner to Kotlin, I'm a bit confused. Would you please provide me a comprehensive explanation about returning multiple values in Kotlin or introduce me a book/ any other comprehensive text about this issue?
Kotlin doesn't support multiple return types. The idiomatic way to do this is to declare a class
or a data class
(I'm just making up a name, change to suit):
data class CoordinateInverse(
val horizontalDistance: Double,
val heightDifference: Double,
val slopePercent: Double,
val slopeDistance: Double,
val g12DMS: DMSAngle
And at the end of your function:
return CoordinateInverse(