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How to add a button in a compact Vaadin 14 / Flow Grid

Using the inline java editing example for a Vaadin 14 / Flow Grid at: (ignoring the save and cancel portion) how can I add an edit button for a compact grid. All other cells seem to be of height 30px but the addComponentColumn() seems to be of height 46px. There's a setWidth() method but no setHeight(). My code is:

Column<T> editColumn = addComponentColumn(t -> {
   Button editButton = new Button("Edit");
   editButton.addClickListener(click -> {
   return editButton;

And to change the width I can do editColumn.setWidth("150px") for example but I cannot seem to adjust the height so that if I use grid.addThemeVariants(GridVariant.LUMO_COMPACT) it will render the rows in a compact manner. No matter what I do the rows seem to be rendered at their normal height.

UPDATE - Just to add it appears to be the vaadin-grid-cell-content that has the extra padding. Using a smaller button helps but there's still too much padding for the column with the button. I'm not sure how to adjust that for the column with the edit/save buttons.


  • You can check this example to render a style with almost no padding in the grid cell:

    To apply it, you need to add @CssImport(themeFor = "vaadin-grid", value = "recipe/densegrid/densegrid.css")

    And use this css:

    :host([theme~="dense"]) [part~="cell"] {
        min-height: var(--lumo-size-xxs);
    :host([theme~="dense"])  {
        font-size: var(--lumo-font-size-xs); // use the font size you prefer
    :host([theme~="dense"]) [part~="cell"] ::slotted(vaadin-grid-cell-content) {
        padding: 1px var(--lumo-space-s);
    :host([theme~="dense"]:not([theme~="no-row-borders"])) [part="row"][first] [part~="cell"]:not([part~="details-cell"]) {
         border-top: 0;
         min-height: calc(var(--lumo-size-xxs) - var(--_lumo-grid-border-width));

    By default the Vaadin Grid even in compact mode has some padding in the cells.

    If you want to remove the padding for one cell you can add a classname Generator on a column:

    grid.addComponentColumn(t -> new Button(t)).setClassNameGenerator(e -> "no-padding-cell");

    And remove the padding with this css:

    [part~="cell"].no-padding-cell ::slotted(vaadin-grid-cell-content) {
        padding: 0px;