I'm new to ffi.
Basically I'm trying to get a bool when the mouse left button is clicked.
I've done some research and found something called WM_LBUTTONDOWN
However I don't know how to put it in ffi.cdef
then getting a bool.
This program polls the mouse button state once per 1 ms and exits when LMB is pressed
local ffi = require("ffi")
short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
void Sleep(int ms);
local function is_key_down(vKey)
return ffi.C.GetAsyncKeyState(vKey) < 0
local function sleep(ms)
ffi.C.Sleep(ms or 1)
local VK_LBUTTON = 0x01 -- Left mouse button
local VK_RBUTTON = 0x02 -- Right mouse button
local VK_MBUTTON = 0x04 -- Middle mouse button
local VK_XBUTTON1 = 0x05 -- X1 mouse button (Back)
local VK_XBUTTON2 = 0x06 -- X2 mouse button (Forward)
print"Waiting for Left Mouse Button pressed"
until is_key_down(VK_LBUTTON)
print"Left Mouse Button is down now"
If you want to handle WM_LBUTTONDOWN message that would be a more complex solution.