Hi Everyone hope all are good in this COVID time
So In a standard, all levels view i am able to view the links but when i change the view to level1 the links are not displayed.How can i display it any idea,why i need is i dont need to much data as in all level just enough as in level 1 view.
Thanks in advance
It is clear that the links are not shown: after all, Object 644 "ABCD" is not linked to any other object and changing the view to level 1 does exactly this: it shows only objects of Level 1 and nothing else, there is no cumulation.
The solution for your problem depends on what you want to do concretely. If your goal is to count the links in the chapter, you could probably write a Layout DXL column like this
void recursiveCountOutLinks(Object o, int &iCount) {
// first count the links going out of Object o
Link l
for l in o->"*" do iCount++
// next, add all Links on lower levels
Object oChild
for oChild in o do {
if isDeleted(oChild) then continue
recursiveCountOutLinks (oChild, iCount)
int iTotal = 0
if (level obj == 1) {
recursiveCountOutLinks(obj, iTotal)
display iTotal ""
If your goal is to export these links you will have to adopt your exporter by doing this recursively as shown above.