I have nested dictionary like below (it is cosmos gremlin output), which I want to convert in to a hierarchical json in python. I want to use this in D3.js for creating a hierarchical tree. Can you pls let me know how to solve this? Appreciate your response.
example nested dictionary:
"Top Management":{
"key":"Top Management",
"Associate Product Lead":{
"key":"Associate Product Lead",
"Associate Architect":{
"key":"Associate Architect",
"Principal Consultant":{
"key":"Principal Consultant",
expected output:
{ "name": "Root_Level", "children":[ { "name": "Operation", "children": [] }, { "name": "Technology", "children":[ { "name": "Top Management", "children": [ { "name": "Associate Product Lead" ,"children": [ { "name": "Associate Architect" ,"children": [ {
"name": "Principal Consultant", "children": [] }]}]}]}]}]}
You can use the function below to get what you want.
result = tree(data)[0]
the [0]
is needed because the first element is what you want.
def tree(data):
result = []
if isinstance(data, dict):
for v in data.values():
temp = {'name': v['key']}
temp['children'] = tree(v['value'])
return result
data = {"Root_Level":{"key":"Root_Level","value":{ "Operation":{ "key":"Operation", "value":{} }, "Technology":{ "key":"Technology", "value":{ "Top Management":{ "key":"Top Management", "value":{ "Associate Product Lead":{ "key":"Associate Product Lead", "value":{ "Associate Architect":{ "key":"Associate Architect", "value":{ "Principal Consultant":{ "key":"Principal Consultant", "value":{} }}}}}}}}}}}}
result = tree(data)[0]
{'name': 'Root_Level',
'children': [{'name': 'Operation', 'children': []},
{'name': 'Technology',
'children': [{'name': 'Top Management',
'children': [{'name': 'Associate Product Lead',
'children': [{'name': 'Associate '
'children': [{'name': 'Principal '
'children': []}]}]}]}]}]}