I would like to share document by link in sharepoint from microsoft graph code. Default behaviour is that every person who has link can see this file. I want to make this link working just for specific people.
So my code look like this:
Permission permission = await _graphClient.Sites[_options.SiteId]
.CreateLink("view", "organization")
This create share link for all people in organization. Now I would like to grant permissions (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/permission-grant?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=csharp)
await graphClient.Shares["{sharedDriveItem-id}"].Permission
But I have no idea what should be in place "{sharedDriveItem-id}". When I put there itemId it doesn't work. Also if I put there permission.link.webUrl it also doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong?
Okey, I found solution. There are few steps:
Everything works If you using Microsoftg.Graph nuget in newest version (4.3 right now if I remember correctly)