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Azure Bicep - Conditionally adding elements to an array

I am trying to create a bicep template to deploy a VM with either 1 or 2 NICs depending on a conditional.

Anyone know if there is a way to deploy a VM NIC using conditional statements inside a property definition? Seems an if function is not permitted inside a resource definition and a ternary errors out due to invalid ID.

Just trying to avoid having 2 dupicate VM resource definitions using resource = if (bool) {}

networkProfile: {
  networkInterfaces: [
      properties: {
        primary: true
      id: bool ? : '' #Trying to deploy this as a conditional if bool = true.
      properties: {
        primary: false


The above code errors out because as soon as you define a NIC, it needs a valid ID.

'properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces[1].id' is invalid. Expect fully qualified resource Id that start with '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}' or '/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/'. (Code:LinkedInvalidPropertyId)


  • You can create some variables to handle that:

    // Define the default nic
    var defaultNic = [
        properties: {
          primary: true
    // Add second nic if required
    var nics = concat(defaultNic, bool ? [
        properties: {
          primary: false
    ] : [])
    // Deploy the VM
    resource vm 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2020-12-01' = {
      properties: {
        networkProfile: {
          networkInterfaces: nics