I have a dict with arrays of custom classes, defined like this:
var coupons: [String: [Coupon]]
And I put them into a ForEach like this:
List {
ForEach(keys, id: \.self) { key in
Section(header: Text(key)) {
ForEach(couponDict[key] ?? [], id: \.id) { coupon in
Button(ifexpiredString(date: coupon.date)+coupon.data[1]) {
let coupons = UserDefaults.standard.coupons
let couponIndex = coupons.firstIndex(of: coupon)
self.currentview = "Coupon"+String(couponIndex!)
}.foregroundColor(ifexpired(date: coupon.date) ? Color.gray : ifexpireing(date: coupon.date))
I've read many answers on making an auto-updating ForEach
or List
, but none using a dictionary with an array of custom objects stored under each key. Worse, I'm drawing couponDict
from UserDefaults
. How can I make this List
or ForEach
auto-update itself?
try something like this:
List {
ForEach(Array(coupons.keys), id: \.self) { key in
// or ForEach(coupons.keys.sorted(), id: \.self) { key in
Section(header: Text(key)) {
ForEach(coupons[key] ?? [], id: \.id) { coupon in
Button(ifexpiredString(date: coupon.date)+coupon.data[1]) {
let coupons = UserDefaults.standard.coupons
let couponIndex = coupons.firstIndex(of: coupon)
self.currentview = "Coupon"+String(couponIndex!)
}.foregroundColor(ifexpired(date: coupon.date) ? Color.gray : ifexpireing(date: coupon.date))