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Can't put output of beeline "show partitions" command into array in BASH

In my bash script I want to use beeline to issue a "show partitions" command and then iterate over the partitions which are the output of that command. The command works fine, but I can't figure out how to iterate over the iterations. Here's my code:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
PARTITIONS=$(/usr/bin/beeline -u "$hive_llap" --showHeader=false --outputformat=csv2 -e "use my_db; show partitions my_hist_table;")
IFS=$'\n' read -ra ptns <<< "${PARTITIONS}"
echo "ptns: ${ptns}"
for ptn in "${ptns[@]}"; do
        echo "ptn: ${ptn}"

and here's the output:

PARTITIONS: yr=2021/mo=08
ptns: yr=2021/mo=08
ptn: yr=2021/mo=08

It seems that the output is going into $PARTITIONS correctly, but my attempt to put that in to the array, ptns, isn't working. I have tried using outputformat=tsv2 and \t in my IFS statement, and I get the same thing, that is, $PARTITIONS shows what are apparently newlines (not tabs, even when using tsv2).


  • Consider replacing:

    IFS=$'\n' read -ra ptns <<< "${PARTITIONS}"


    read -d' ' -ra ptns <<< "${PARTITIONS}"

    Which should generate:

    $ typeset -p ptns
    declare -a ptns=([0]="yr=2021/mo=08" [1]="yr=2021/mo=2" [2]="yr=2021/mo=4")

    Another option, especially if each line from ${PARTITIONS} may include white space:

    $ mapfile -t ptns <<< "${PARTITIONS}"
    $ typeset -p ptns
    declare -a ptns=([0]="yr=2021/mo=08" [1]="yr=2021/mo=2" [2]="yr=2021/mo=4")