I've managed to create a custom option distribution (possible countries to send info) for a group of agents (boutiques), in which any agent created from that type utilizes the distribution to select a country to select the info to, based on the probability.
Like so:
Country A : 0.5;
Country B : 0.3;
Country C : 0.2;
I have 30 different boutiques, and instead of having one distribution to all of them, I'd like to have a specific custom distribution for each.
as such:
Boutique 1 Boutique 2
Country A : 0.5; Country A : 0.3;
Country B : 0.3; Country B : 0.4;
Country C : 0.2; Country C : 0.3;
The option list is the same for any boutique but the probabilities are not. The boutiques generated are always the same.
I haven't seen a direct option to create such distributions. Is there a way? Is it possible via java?
Thank you!
what you need to do here if to create in each one of your boutique agents a variable of type CustomDistributionOfOptions
the initial value will be based on a function as follows:
optionList[] x= new optionList[] { optionList.A, optionList.B, optionList.C };
double [] rates ={2,4,6};
return new CustomDistributionOfOptions(x,rates);
of course, you have to replace 2,4 and 6 with your own values that will be individual for each boutique (should be parameters of the agent created)... that you can do by reading a database, an excel or whatever you want