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How to get the last 7 weeks, 7 months date range from current date PHP?

How can I get the date range of last seven weeks /months from the current date, i have already done with last seven days

fetch last seven days, weeks and month sales total grouped by 7 particular days, 7 particular weeks and 7 particular months


Today : 08/18/2021

Last seven weeks

08/08/2021 - 08/14/2021
08/01/2021 - 08/07/2021

Last seven Months

07/01/2021 - 07/31/2021
06/01/2021 - 06/30/2021

The below query I have done for last seven days

$today = date("Y-m-d");
$lastsevenDays = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-7 days'));
    sales.salesDay as sales_day,
    ROUND(sum( IFNULL( payment.tmpNetTotal, 0 ) ),2)AS sales,
    payment.createdDateTime as Day_date
    srp_erp_pos_menusalesmaster AS sales
    JOIN ( SELECT SUM( IFNULL( amount, 0 ) ) AS tmpNetTotal,createdDateTime, menuSalesID FROM srp_erp_pos_menusalespayments WHERE createdDateTime BETWEEN '" . $lastsevenDays . "' AND '" . $today . "'  GROUP BY menuSalesID ) AS payment ON sales.menuSalesID = payment.menuSalesID 
                WHERE isHold = 0 AND sales.isVoid = 0 AND companyID = $companyID GROUP BY
                sales.salesDay ORDER BY

Now as the same way, I am thinking a way to fetch last 7 weeks and last seven months.


  • If you have each single "day" summarized in a single table, then it is easy to summarize that over the last N days, whether there is several weeks or months.

    If the summary table has sum_dollars, count_items, then

        SUM(sum_dollars) -- total dollars over the larger period
        SUM(count_items) -- how many items there were
        SUM(sum_dollars) / SUM(count_items) -- average price
        FROM summary_table
        WHERE date ...

    (Note that I did not have avg_price in the summary table because AVG(avg_..) is usually the wrong formula.)

    So, build and maintain (nightly) a summary table by day. See

    PS. "today" is CURDATE() in SQL. More specifically, that is midnight this morning. "7 months ago" is CURDATE() - INTERVAL 7 MONTH

    Likely BUG: Don't use BETWEEN; it is 'inclusive'. Instead, do something like

    WHERE createdDateTime >= CURDATE() - INTERVAL 7 MONTH
      AND createdDateTime  < CURDATE()