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SSRS Conditional Formatting with start date and end date being on the current day

I am trying to implement conditional formatting where the background fill changes when the start date and end date is both the current day but it is defeating me.

Here is what I have:

=IIf(Fields!Adata.Value = "Ball","Yellow",nothing)

=IIF(Fields!Bdata.Value = "Sign","Yellow",nothing)

=IIF(Format(END_DATE.Value, "yyyyMMdd") = Format(Today(), "yyyyMMdd"), 
"Yellow", nothing)
=IIF(Format(START_DATE.Value, "yyyyMMdd") = Format(Today(), "yyyyMMdd"), 
"Yellow", Nothing)

How do I get these to work as one expression versus 4 separate expressions, having the 2 date expressions work together where they only trigger when the start date and end date are both equal to the current day.


  • Just missing an AND, though as noted by Alan END_DATE and START_DATE look like they need something in front of them; Field!, Parameters! etc.:

    =IIF(Fields!Adata.Value = "Ball","Yellow", IIF(Fields!Bdata.Value = "Sign","Yellow", IIF(((Format(END_DATE.Value, "yyyyMMdd") = Format(Today(), "yyyyMMdd")) AND ((Format(START_DATE.Value, "yyyyMMdd") = Format(Today(), "yyyyMMdd")))), "Yellow", nothing))))