I am trying to implement conditional formatting where the background fill changes when the start date and end date is both the current day but it is defeating me.
Here is what I have:
=IIf(Fields!Adata.Value = "Ball","Yellow",nothing)
=IIF(Fields!Bdata.Value = "Sign","Yellow",nothing)
=IIF(Format(END_DATE.Value, "yyyyMMdd") = Format(Today(), "yyyyMMdd"),
"Yellow", nothing)
=IIF(Format(START_DATE.Value, "yyyyMMdd") = Format(Today(), "yyyyMMdd"),
"Yellow", Nothing)
How do I get these to work as one expression versus 4 separate expressions, having the 2 date expressions work together where they only trigger when the start date and end date are both equal to the current day.
Just missing an AND, though as noted by Alan END_DATE and START_DATE look like they need something in front of them; Field!, Parameters! etc.:
=IIF(Fields!Adata.Value = "Ball","Yellow", IIF(Fields!Bdata.Value = "Sign","Yellow", IIF(((Format(END_DATE.Value, "yyyyMMdd") = Format(Today(), "yyyyMMdd")) AND ((Format(START_DATE.Value, "yyyyMMdd") = Format(Today(), "yyyyMMdd")))), "Yellow", nothing))))