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Drag separators in SwiftUI

How would I add draggable separator lines between Views or UIViews using purely SwiftUI. Is it even possible with SwiftUI, or would I have to fall back on UIKit?

Example screens with separators:

enter image description here

I can't find this kind of stuff in the SwiftUI documentation. Even just enough info to do the top-left two-pane example would be useful.

(Similar questions have been asked here and here , but these are 5 and 7 years old, and deal with Objective-C / UIKit, not Swift / SwiftUI)


  • Here is what I have been using. I have a generic SplitView with a primary (P) and secondary (V) view created using ViewBuilders. The fraction identifies the ratio of primary to secondary width or height at open. I use secondaryHidden to force the primary to full width modulo half of the visibleThickness of the Splitter. The invisibleThickness is the grabbable width/height for the Splitter. The SizePreferenceKey is used with a GeometryReader on a clear background to capture the overallSize of the SplitView so that the fraction can be applied properly.

    fileprivate struct SplitView<P: View, S: View>: View {
        private let layout: Layout
        private let zIndex: Double
        @Binding var fraction: CGFloat
        @Binding var secondaryHidden: Bool
        private let primary: P
        private let secondary: S
        private let visibleThickness: CGFloat = 2
        private let invisibleThickness: CGFloat = 30
        @State var overallSize: CGSize = .zero
        @State var primaryWidth: CGFloat?
        @State var primaryHeight: CGFloat?
        var hDrag: some Gesture {
            // As we drag the Splitter horizontally, adjust the primaryWidth and recalculate fraction
                .onChanged { gesture in
                    primaryWidth = gesture.location.x
                    fraction = gesture.location.x / overallSize.width
        var vDrag: some Gesture {
            // As we drag the Splitter vertically, adjust the primaryHeight and recalculate fraction
                .onChanged { gesture in
                    primaryHeight = gesture.location.y
                    fraction = gesture.location.y / overallSize.height
        enum Layout: CaseIterable {
            /// The orientation of the primary and seconday views (e.g., Vertical = VStack, Horizontal = HStack)
            case Horizontal
            case Vertical
        var body: some View {
            ZStack(alignment: .topLeading) {
                switch layout {
                case .Horizontal:
                    // When we init the view, primaryWidth is nil, so we calculate it from the
                    // fraction that was passed-in. This lets us specify the location of the Splitter
                    // when we instantiate the SplitView.
                    let pWidth = primaryWidth ?? width()
                    let sWidth = overallSize.width - pWidth - visibleThickness
                        .frame(width: pWidth)
                        .frame(width: sWidth)
                        .offset(x: pWidth + visibleThickness, y: 0)
                    Splitter(orientation: .Vertical, visibleThickness: visibleThickness)
                        .frame(width: invisibleThickness, height: overallSize.height)
                        .position(x: pWidth + visibleThickness / 2, y: overallSize.height / 2)
                        .gesture(hDrag, including: .all)
                case .Vertical:
                    // When we init the view, primaryHeight is nil, so we calculate it from the
                    // fraction that was passed-in. This lets us specify the location of the Splitter
                    // when we instantiate the SplitView.
                    let pHeight = primaryHeight ?? height()
                    let sHeight = overallSize.height - pHeight - visibleThickness
                        .frame(height: pHeight)
                        .frame(height: sHeight)
                        .offset(x: 0, y: pHeight + visibleThickness)
                    Splitter(orientation: .Horizontal, visibleThickness: visibleThickness)
                        .frame(width: overallSize.width, height: invisibleThickness)
                        .position(x: overallSize.width / 2, y: pHeight + visibleThickness / 2)
                        .gesture(vDrag, including: .all)
            .background(GeometryReader { geometry in
                // Track the overallSize using a GeometryReader on the ZStack that contains the
                // primary, secondary, and splitter
                    .preference(key: SizePreferenceKey.self, value: geometry.size)
                    .onPreferenceChange(SizePreferenceKey.self) {
                        overallSize = $0
        init(layout: Layout, zIndex: Double = 0, fraction: Binding<CGFloat>, secondaryHidden: Binding<Bool>, @ViewBuilder primary: (()->P), @ViewBuilder secondary: (()->S)) {
            self.layout = layout
            self.zIndex = zIndex
            _fraction = fraction
            _primaryWidth = State(initialValue: nil)
            _primaryHeight = State(initialValue: nil)
            _secondaryHidden = secondaryHidden
            self.primary = primary()
            self.secondary = secondary()
        private func width() -> CGFloat {
            if secondaryHidden {
                return overallSize.width - visibleThickness / 2
            } else {
                return (overallSize.width * fraction) - (visibleThickness / 2)
        private func height() -> CGFloat {
            if secondaryHidden {
                return overallSize.height - visibleThickness / 2
            } else {
                return (overallSize.height * fraction) - (visibleThickness / 2)
    fileprivate struct SizePreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
        static var defaultValue: CGSize = .zero
        static func reduce(value: inout CGSize, nextValue: () -> CGSize) {
            value = nextValue()

    With the filePrivate SplitView in place, I use HSplitView and VSplitView as the public entry points.

    /// A view containing a primary view and a secondary view layed-out vertically and separated by a draggable horizontally-oriented Splitter
    /// The primary view is above the secondary view.
    struct VSplitView<P: View, S: View>: View {
        let zIndex: Double
        @Binding var fraction: CGFloat
        @Binding var secondaryHidden: Bool
        let primary: ()->P
        let secondary: ()->S
        var body: some View {
            SplitView(layout: .Vertical, zIndex: zIndex, fraction: $fraction, secondaryHidden: $secondaryHidden, primary: primary, secondary: secondary)
        init(zIndex: Double = 0, fraction: Binding<CGFloat>, secondaryHidden: Binding<Bool>? = nil, @ViewBuilder primary: @escaping (()->P), @ViewBuilder secondary: @escaping (()->S)) {
            self.zIndex = zIndex
            _fraction = fraction
            _secondaryHidden = secondaryHidden ?? .constant(false)
            self.primary = primary
            self.secondary = secondary
    /// A view containing a primary view and a secondary view layed-out horizontally and separated by a draggable vertically-oriented Splitter
    /// The primary view is to the left of the secondary view.
    struct HSplitView<P: View, S: View>: View {
        let zIndex: Double
        @Binding var fraction: CGFloat
        @Binding var secondaryHidden: Bool
        let primary: ()->P
        let secondary: ()->S
        var body: some View {
            SplitView(layout: .Horizontal, fraction: $fraction, secondaryHidden: $secondaryHidden, primary: primary, secondary: secondary)
        init(zIndex: Double = 0, fraction: Binding<CGFloat>, secondaryHidden: Binding<Bool>? = nil, @ViewBuilder primary: @escaping (()->P), @ViewBuilder secondary: @escaping (()->S)) {
            self.zIndex = zIndex
            _fraction = fraction
            _secondaryHidden = secondaryHidden ?? .constant(false)
            self.primary = primary
            self.secondary = secondary

    The Splitter is a ZStack with a visible RoundedRectangle with visibleThickness on top of a clear Color with invisibleThickness.

    /// The Splitter that separates the primary from secondary views in a SplitView.
    struct Splitter: View {
        private let orientation: Orientation
        private let color: Color
        private let inset: CGFloat
        private let visibleThickness: CGFloat
        private var invisibleThickness: CGFloat
        enum Orientation: CaseIterable {
            /// The orientation of the Divider itself.
            /// Thus, use Horizontal in a VSplitView and Vertical in an HSplitView
            case Horizontal
            case Vertical
        var body: some View {
            ZStack(alignment: .center) {
                switch orientation {
                case .Horizontal:
                        .frame(height: invisibleThickness)
                    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: visibleThickness / 2)
                        .frame(height: visibleThickness)
                        .padding(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: inset, bottom: 0, trailing: inset))
                case .Vertical:
                        .frame(width: invisibleThickness)
                    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: visibleThickness / 2)
                        .frame(width: visibleThickness)
                        .padding(EdgeInsets(top: inset, leading: 0, bottom: inset, trailing: 0))
        init(orientation: Orientation, color: Color = .gray, inset: CGFloat = 8, visibleThickness: CGFloat = 2, invisibleThickness: CGFloat = 30) {
            self.orientation = orientation
            self.color = color
            self.inset = inset
            self.visibleThickness = visibleThickness
            self.invisibleThickness = invisibleThickness

    Here's an example. One additional note is that I had to use zIndex for the Splitter when SplitViews contained other SplitViews that contain other SplitViews. This is because the because the overlap of the multiple Splitters with the primary/secondary of adjacent views prevents the drag gesture from being detected. It's not necessary to specify in simpler cases.

    struct ContentView: View {
        var body: some View {
                zIndex: 2,
                fraction: .constant(0.5),
                primary: { },
                secondary: {
                        zIndex: 1,
                        fraction: .constant(0.5),
                        primary: { },
                        secondary: {
                                zIndex: 0,
                                fraction: .constant(0.5),
                                primary: { },
                                secondary: { Color.yellow }

    And the result...

    SplitViews with multiple colors