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How can I update my database table with the result of my query

I am a French designer and I have a SQL problem. My MySQL server is in v5.6 and i ask for help because I have a syntax problem. I think you can bring me a solution.

I have a data base called "scores":

id pseudo tempsstage1mili rangstage1
1 pseudo1 20100 ---
2 pseudo2 16900 ---

and I ask this to MySQL :

SELECT pseudo,
 @curRank := @curRank + 1 AS rank
FROM scores p, (SELECT @curRank := 0) r
ORDER BY  tempsstage1mili;

With this command, MySQL return this :

pseudo rank
pseudo2 1
pseudo1 2

At this step it's perfect but now, I want to Update my table called "scores" with the result. The column I have to Update is called "rangstage1" with the column "rank"

I want to get that :

id pseudo tempsstage1mili rangstage1
1 pseudo1 20100 2
2 pseudo2 16900 1

Could you help me ? Please ? You are hope !

Thank you !


  • You can turn this into an update:

    SET @curRank = 0;
    UPDATE scores
        SET rankstage1 = (@curRank := @curRank + 1)
        ORDER BY tempsstage1mili;