I'd like to rename all files in several folders with filename containing '*file*' by '*doc*'. I've tried
find . -name "*file*" -exec mv {} `echo {} | sed "s/file/doc/"` \;
but got an error (see below).
~$ ls
my_file_1.txt my_file_2.txt my_file_3.txt
~$ find . -name "*file*"
~$ echo my_file_1.txt | sed "s/file/doc/"
~$ find . -name "*file*" -exec echo {} \;
~$ find . -name "*file*" -exec mv {} `echo {} | sed "s/file/doc/"` \;
mv: './my_file_1.txt' and './my_file_1.txt' are the same file
mv: './my_file_3.txt' and './my_file_3.txt' are the same file
mv: './my_file_2.txt' and './my_file_2.txt' are the same file
Many thanks for your help!
There are a thousand ways to do it, I'd do it with Perl, something like this will work:
find files -type f -name "file*" | perl -ne 'chomp; $f=$_; $f=~s/\/file/\/doc/; `mv $_ $f`;'
process as inline script for each line inputchomp
clean a newline$f
is new filename, same as old filenames/\/file/\/doc/
replace "/file" with "/doc" in the new filenamemv $_ $f
rename the file by running an OS command with back ticks