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Excel does not work the sum in the status bar for a file generated in C#

In Excel does not work the sum in the status bar for a file generated in C#. In the code I set the cell format as a number. Any idea what might be going on?

My code:

oWorksheet.Cells[vLinhaCelula, 7].NumberFormat = "0";
oWorksheet.Cells[vLinhaCelula, 7].Value = vValorNF.Replace(".", ""); 
oWorksheet.Cells[vLinhaCelula, 7].HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;

Format is Number

But the sum dont work

I need this

Thanks for any help.


  • My guess is that vValorNF.Replace(".", ""); is returning a string, and therefore the cell becomes a string regardless of the number formatting. Try specifically creating a double or decimal

    double num = Double.Parse(vValorNF.Replace(".", "")); 

    and then assigning

    oWorksheet.Cells[vLinhaCelula, 7].Value = num;