In order to convert rgba color with alpha channel to hex I use the code
let rChannel = 255;
let gChannel = 255;
let bChannel = 255;
let aChannel = 0.7;
console.log('#'+(256 + parseFloat(rChannel)).toString(16).substr(1) + ((1 << 24) + (parseFloat(gChannel) << 16) | (parseFloat(bChannel) << 8) | aChannel).toString(16).substr(1));
// #ffffff00, but expect #ffffffb3
It's given from the answer by the link
But it returns incorrect alpha channel in hex (00 instead of b3).
How to fix?
Using a bitwise |
(or) operator on a floating-point value does not make sense. You'll have to use ~~(achannel * 255)
to get an integer value.
Depending on the range of your 0 ... 1 achannel values, you might want to use 256 instead of 255 if the value can never be 1.
edit — now that I think about it, you don't need the ~~
explicit integer conversion, because the |
will do that anyway, so simply (achannel * 256)
will work so long as the fractional value will always be less than 1; otherwise 255.