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Nested v-for in vuetify v-simple-table - How to get rid of empty spaces?

I want to display the following data (Object) in a simple vuetify table (v-simple-table). This data is stored in the variable allPools

    "pool_2": { 
        "company_name": "Testcompany1" 
        "job_title": "Testtitle1", 
        "job_location": "Testcity1", 
    "pool_3": { 
        "company_name": "Testcompany1", 
        "job_title": "Testtitle2" 
        "job_location": Testcity2, 
    "pool_id": "asdf12345" 

    "pool_0": { 
        "company_name": "Testcompany2", 
        "job_title": "Testtitle3", 
        "job_location": Testcity3, 
    "pool_3": { 
        "company_name": "Testcompany2", 
        "job_title": "Testtitle4", 
        "job_location": Testcity4,  
    "pool_id": "dfghj45645" 


I use the following code to display the data (vuejs with vuetify):

        <v-simple-table height="300">
            <template v-slot:default>
                <th class="text-left">
                <th class="text-left">
                    Job title
                <th class="text-left">
                    Job location
            <tbody v-for="(pool, index) in allPools" :key="index">
                <tr v-for="(p, index) in pool" :key="index">
                    <!-- COMPANY NAME - START -->
                    <td v-if="p.company_name">
                        {{ p.company_name }}
                    <td v-else>
                    <!-- COMPANY NAME - START -->

                    <!-- JOB TITLE - START -->
                    <td v-if="p.job_title">
                        {{ p.job_title }}
                    <td v-else>
                    <!-- JOB TITLE - START -->

                    <!-- LOCATION - START -->
                    <td v-if="p.job_location">
                        {{ p.job_location }}
                    <td v-else>
                    <!-- LOCATION - END -->

And i get the following result:

enter image description here

The problem is, I always have the empty lines in between data. I know it is because i have the v-for loop located in the tab but i couldn't find any other solution. Does anybody know how i can iterate though a nested v-for loop and display it properly in a v-simple table??


  • Chris


  • The first loop shouldn't be in the tbody element, try to add it to a virtual element template :

     <tbody  >
       <template  v-for="(pool, index) in allPools">
                    <tr v-for="(p, index) in pool" :key="index">