I am using WSO2 Class mediator to inject String to Jsonbody by using WSO2 Developer Studio.
String transformedJson=jsonBody.toString();
JsonUtil.newJsonPayload(((Axis2MessageContext) context).getAxis2MessageContext(),
transformedJson, true, true);
Facing ERROR like "JsonUtil cannot be resolved" after adding import statement as "import org.apache.synapse.commons.json.JsonUtil;"
Dependency added in class mediator pom.xml by follows this. Still can't able to resolve this import ERROR.
Dependency File:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.synapse/synapse-core -->
Can i get Jar for this? I hope jar name would be "synapse-commons-2.1.2-wso2v4.jar".
I resolved above JsonUtil ERROR by adding below dependency in pom.xml
Note: after updating pom.xml, i did mvn update by clicking alt+f5.
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.synapse/synapse-commons -->
Reference Link: check here