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Using a tstamp to delete files has started failing

I use a tstamp to build a fileset of old files to delete. This has been working well, but since around the start of the month it fails.

The error is:

Date of 08/09/2021 01:25 PM Cannot be parsed correctly. It should be in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM_PM format.

<target name="RemoveOldBackups" >
        <format property="BKRetention" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a" locale="en,UK" offset="-${Backup.Retention.Number}" unit="${Backup.Retention.Unit}"/>
    <for list="${Database.List}" param="database" parallel="${parallel}" threadCount="${threadCount}">
            <echo message="Working on Database: @{database} Full path: ${Database.List.@{database}.Location}${Database.List.@{database}.FileName}" />
                <fileset dir="${Database.List.@{database}.LocalBackup}" includes="**/*.bkp">
                    <date datetime="${BKRetention}" when="before"/>

The script itself hasn't changed in that time period, so it must be something environment related.


  • After further investigation I established that the machine was running a version on Ant from 2012. After updating to the latest release the problem is fixed.