How do I make my COPY command work for absolute paths on Windows? I tried git-bash, cmd and powershell consoles to build with docker build -t custom-maven-image .
# Dockerfile
FROM maven:3-openjdk-11-slim
# these are three versions of copy command I tried
COPY C:/Users/myuser/.m2 /root/.m2
COPY /C/Users/myuser/.m2 /root/.m2
COPY /c/Users/myuser/.m2 /root/.m2
What I get is an error:
#5 ERROR: "/C/Users/myuser/.m2" not found: not found
Thx @Jeremy for bugs references and now I see that docs clearly says:
COPY obeys the following rules:
The path must be inside the context of the build; you cannot COPY ../something /something, because the first step of a docker build is to send the context directory (and subdirectories) to the docker daemon.
All the resources need to be in the dir that you run the build, i.e. where your Dockerfile is. You cant use an absolute path from elsewhere, think of it from the build perspective - where is the build happening - in the Dockerfile? It can run commands but those resources need to be public.