I am using survival data to fit a flexible survival model (example below). I can capture the output of the fitted model as *.txt file and save it in my directory. My question is how can I read back the output into an object in r and use it to plot the fitted model and do predictions (without the need for the data to re-run the model again).
The reason I want this is because I am working on a server and can only export output rather than the data and want to use the fitted model in a shinyapp on my personal computer.
#load some data
data(pbc, package="randomForestSRC")
data <- as.data.table(na.omit(pbc))
data[, years := days/365.25]
fit <- flexsurvspline(Surv(years, status) ~ albumin, data=data, k=1, scale='hazard')
capture.output(fit, file='fit.txt')
ndata <- data.frame(albumin = 3)
plot(fit, est=FALSE, ci=FALSE, col.obs = 'white')
lines(fit, newdata = ndata, ci=FALSE, col = 'green')
prob=summary(fit,type='survival',newdata=ndata, t=12)
#how can I read the model output saved in .txt file and use
#read .txt model output
fit2 <- read #???
plot(fit2, est=FALSE, ci=FALSE, col.obs = 'white')
lines(fit2, newdata = ndata, ci=FALSE, col = 'green')
prob=summary(fit2,type='survival',newdata=ndata, t=12)
An example of the method @MrFlick recommended:
#> Loading required package: survival
#load some data
data(pbc, package="randomForestSRC")
data <- as.data.table(na.omit(pbc))
data[, years := days/365.25]
fit <- flexsurvspline(Surv(years, status) ~ albumin, data=data, k=1, scale='hazard')
saveRDS(fit, "fit_object.rds")
ndata <- data.frame(albumin = 3)
plot(fit, est=FALSE, ci=FALSE, col.obs = 'white')
lines(fit, newdata = ndata, ci=FALSE, col = 'green')
prob=summary(fit,type='survival',newdata=ndata, t=12)
#> albumin=3
#> time est lcl ucl
#> 1 12 0.06864802 0.02431122 0.1567719
fit2 <- readRDS(file = "fit_object.rds")
#> Call:
#> flexsurvspline(formula = Surv(years, status) ~ albumin, data = data,
#> k = 1, scale = "hazard")
#> Estimates:
#> data mean est L95% U95% se exp(est) L95%
#> gamma0 NA 2.7412 1.2590 4.2235 0.7563 NA NA
#> gamma1 NA 0.9900 0.5100 1.4701 0.2449 NA NA
#> gamma2 NA -0.0342 -0.0869 0.0186 0.0269 NA NA
#> albumin 3.5168 -1.6959 -2.1481 -1.2436 0.2307 0.1834 0.1167
#> U95%
#> gamma0 NA
#> gamma1 NA
#> gamma2 NA
#> albumin 0.2883
#> N = 276, Events: 111, Censored: 165
#> Total time at risk: 1495.551
#> Log-likelihood = -374.4158, df = 4
#> AIC = 756.8316
identical(fit, fit2, ignore.environment = TRUE)
#> [1] FALSE
plot(fit2, est=FALSE, ci=FALSE, col.obs = 'white')
lines(fit2, newdata = ndata, ci=FALSE, col = 'green')
prob=summary(fit2,type='survival',newdata=ndata, t=12)
#> albumin=3
#> time est lcl ucl
#> 1 12 0.06864802 0.02431122 0.1567719
Created on 2021-08-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
Update: if you use the same seed (via set.seed()
) you get the same est/lcl/ucl for "fit" and "fit2". Also, based on MrFlick's comment, even though the objects aren't identical I believe getting the same output using the same seed shows that they are functionally the same (i.e. 'good enough'). You could test this further with your actual data and compare outcomes on the server vs locally.