I am trying to make a small robot framework with e bay website but every time I get locator not found in my Click Element, I have tried everything even Sleep and Wait until Element is visible. My code is this one.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Basic Search Functionality
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Verify basic search functionality
[documentation] This test case verifies the basic search functionality
[tags] Functional
Open Browser http://www.ebay.com chrome
Maximize Browser Window
Input Text //*[@id="gh-ac"] mobile
Press Keys //*[@id="gh-btn"] [Return]
Page Should Contain results for mobile
Sleep 10s
Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*
Click Element xpath=//*[@id="nid-pZ5-
Close Browser
The element is in the picture. The element I am trying click it can be seen in the picture
This xpath
does look correct. Since I could not locate any element in UI.
try this instead :
xpath = //span[text()='Condition']/ancestor::button