I have an app that records videos. It will display each video in its interface, and I'd like to have a little thumbnail to represent each video. OS X shows a preview of the video, a poster frame taken some few seconds into the file. I'd like to do something similar. I've heard it called a "poster frame" but the Googles aren't helping for this one.
Can anyone point me at the appropriate API that would help me do this?
The API you’re looking for is the AVAssetImageGenerator class. Create an AVAsset from your video file (using its +assetWithURL:
method—note that for URLs from the filesystem you must either prepend file://
to the path or use NSURL’s +fileURLWithPath:
), set up a generator with that asset once it’s done loading, and use the generator’s -copyCGImageAtTime:actualTime:error:
or -generateCGImagesAsynchronouslyForTimes:completionHandler:
to get the thumbnails.