I have three tables that need to be linked like so:
Event(RiskID) -> Risk(RiskID)
Risk(ProjectID) -> Project(ProjectID)
Event(ProjectID) -> Project(ProjectID)
Using these tables:
Project Table
| ID | ProjectID |
And the bottom two tables that I am trying to link via a foreign key constraint
| ID | ProjectID | RiskID |
Event (aka, risk mitigation event, many events per one risk, and many risk per one project)
| ID | ProjectID | EventID | RiskID|
From my current understanding of Relational Databases like MySQL, to create a foreign key I should be using one Primary Key in the linked table to the table that needs to reference values, and for enforcing referential integrity. How do I accomplish this constraint if all three tables have duplicate values, namely for the attribute set {ProjectID,EventID} which are as such because all my tables have a history specific column information to track changes?
This sort of approach made me have some doubts about how to create the foreign key if necessary in this case. How do I use the ID inside my foreign key but still use the {ProjectID, EventID} {ProjectID, RiskID} together...etc...
If my terminology deviates from what is understood I can revise or clarify. Hope my question (on this topic of foreign keys) has a common solution?
I would add several bridge tables so that every projet kann have many risks and multipole event
I am not ver clear why you have another primary unique key, but ok evrybiody can do what they like
Every column should be only in one
Proj_IG(PK) | Project_ID(KEY)
Project_ID(FK) | Envent_ID(FK
Evnt_ID | Envent_ID....._
If the event project and risks are interliked, you could make a bridge table with three colums, so could a project could ave also mutile event and risks but tas tehy are all conected the bridge table yan represent that
RIsk_ID Projekt_ID
R_ID | Risk_ID
Proj_IG(PK) | Project_ID(KEY)
event_risk project
Project_ID(FK) | Envent_ID(FK) | Risk_ID(FK)
Evnt_ID | Envent_ID....._
R_ID | Risk_ID