Is there a way to get the current source location (SourceSection) from java?
e.g. a js script executed via context.eval() calls a java method, the java method logs the current js script name+line
PolyglotException has a getSourceLocation() that provide this information. also stack traces from polyglot seems to contains information about the source location e.g. at :program(Unnamed:2:23-53)
I know you asked this a long time ago, but I have just seen it for the first time.
Here is a way to get to the current location easily:
static StackFrame getCurrentLocation() {
PolyglotException e = Context.getCurrent().asValue(new RuntimeException()).as(PolyglotException.class);
for (StackFrame frame: e.getPolyglotStackTrace()) {
if (frame.isGuestFrame()) {
return frame;
return null;
Here is a full runnable example:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowHostAccess(HostAccess.ALL).build()) {
context.getBindings("js").putMember("test", new Test());
Source source = Source.newBuilder("js", "test.callback()", "mysource.js").buildLiteral();
public void callback() {
static StackFrame getCurrentLocation() {
PolyglotException e = Context.getCurrent().asValue(new RuntimeException()).as(PolyglotException.class);
for (StackFrame frame: e.getPolyglotStackTrace()) {
if (frame.isGuestFrame()) {
return frame;
return null;
This prints:
<js> :program(mysource.js:1:0-14)