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Rollback transactions after each Cucumber scenarios with Spring Boot

I'm using the BDD testing framework Cucumber with Spring Boot 2.5. I want to rollback transactions or reset my database after each Cucumber scenarios. I'm using an H2 database, populate by dynamically generated data. I tried @Transactional, but it doesn't work and @DirtiesContext is to slow.


  • The way to do this is to use the PlatformTransactionManager to start a transaction before each scenario and to roll it back after. This is essentially what TransactionalTestExecutionListener does when a JUnit test class annotated with @Transactional is executed.

    In Cucumber you would do this using @Before and @After hooks. And because you may not want do this for every scenario you can choose to make the hooks conditional so that they only execute when a scenario is tagged in the right way.

    For example:

    Feature: Search
        Given there is a user
      Scenario: Find messages by content
        Given a User has posted the following messages:
          | content            |
          | I am making dinner |
          | I just woke up     |
          | I am going to work |
        When I search for "I am"
        Then the results content should be:
          | I am making dinner |
          | I am going to work |
    public class SpringTransactionHooks implements BeanFactoryAware {
        private BeanFactory beanFactory;
        private TransactionStatus transactionStatus;
        public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
            this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
        @Before(value = "@txn", order = 100)
        public void startTransaction() {
            transactionStatus = beanFactory.getBean(PlatformTransactionManager.class)
                    .getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition());
        @After(value = "@txn", order = 100)
        public void rollBackTransaction() {
