My app uses MVVM architecture. I have a ViewModel shared by both an Activity and one of its child fragments. The ViewModel contains a simple string that I want to update from the Activity and observe in the fragment.
My issue is simple: the observe callback is never reached in my fragment after the LiveData updates. For testing, I tried observing the data in MainActivity
, but that works fine. Additionally, observing LiveData variables in my fragment declared in other ViewModels works fine too. Only this ViewModel's LiveData seems to pose a problem for my fragment, strangely.
I'm declaring the ViewModel and injecting it into my Activity and Fragment via Koin. What am I doing incorrectly to never get updates in my fragment for this ViewModel's data?
class RFIDTagViewModel: ViewModel() {
private val _rfidTagUUID = MutableLiveData<String>()
val rfidTagUUID: LiveData<String> = _rfidTagUUID
fun tagUUIDScanned(tagUUID: String) {
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), Readers.RFIDReaderEventHandler,
RFIDSledEventHandler.TagScanInterface {
private val rfidViewModel: RFIDTagViewModel by viewModel()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
rfidViewModel.rfidTagUUID.observe(this, {
Timber.d("I'm ALWAYS reached")
override fun onResume() {
rfidViewModel.tagUUIDScanned(uuid) //TODO: data passed in here, never makes it to Fragment observer, only observed by Activity successfully
class PickingItemFragment : Fragment() {
private val rfidViewModel: RFIDTagViewModel by viewModel()
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
rfidViewModel.rfidTagUUID.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, { tagUUID ->
Timber.d("I'm NEVER reached")
Koin DI Config
val appModule = module {
viewModel { RFIDTagViewModel() }
In your Fragment I see you are using viewModels()
. viewModels()
here will be attached to the Fragment, not to the Activity.
If you want to shareViewModel between Fragment and Activity, then in Fragment you use activityViewModels()
. Now, in the Fragment, your shareViewModel will be attached to the Activity containing your Fragment.
Edit as follows:
class PickingItemFragment : Fragment() {
private val rfidViewModel: RFIDTagViewModel by activityViewModels()
More information: Communicating with fragments