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Substitute number for a variable that is involved in differentiation

I have some expressions that involve the derivative of y(x) with respect to x. An example is below. I need to substitute x = 0 in these expressions, to get rid of the zero terms.

P: x*%e^x*y+%e^x*y-

But when I try

P, x = 0;


subst(x = 0, P);

I get the error

diff: variable must not be a number; found: 0

So it doesn't want to put x = 0 in diff(y(x), x). Is there any way I can substitute x = 0 for the occurrences of x outside differentiation? The expressions I have are very complicated, so I really need to get rid of these terms that are 0.


  • at represents the value of an expression, but it's careful to avoid substituting a literal value into an expression for which it isn't valid, such as diff. From the problem statement:

    (%i2) P: x*%e^x*y+%e^x*y-
              x       x       x             d
    (%o2) x %e  y + %e  y - %e  log(x + 1) (--- (y(x)))
                                                        x  d
                                                      %e  (-- (y(x)))
                           x             d                 dx
                       - %e  log(x + 1) (-- (y(x))) - ---------------
                                         dx                x + 1
    (%i3) at(P, x = 0); 
                               d        !
    (%o3)                  y - -- (y(x))!
                               dx       !
                                        !x = 0

    Just to clarify, aside from diff, integrate, and other expressions containing dummy variables, at effectively just substitutes the literal value.

    (%i4) at(sin(x) + cos(x), x = a);
    (%o4)                    sin(a) + cos(a)

    I see a problem with the original problem statement -- it contains both y and y(x) -- which makes it hard to substitute some actual function for y later on. If it matters, you might want to use y(x) throughout, or to say depends(y, x) and then use y throughout.