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Extract source code from .pack files

I followed the directions on to get the Android source code. Now I have downloaded 2 GB of stuff, most of the space is taken by .pack files. Now how do I access the code?

I tried

 git unpack-objects < pack-78609e1ab8b627ff3b749e8d4c78e86e096de3d8.pack

the output is:

Unpacking objects: 100% (14014/14014), done.

Is this the correct way to access the source code and where does it unpack to? Where's the output dir?


  • Git internally uses objects that are explained here These objects may be compressed together in a pack. Anyhow, I do not expect you have anything to do with objects and/or packs. So, could you give a bit more detail on the steps you did and the files you ended up with? (Note: I'm not familiar with the Android repo-tool, but I am with git)