IDE - VB 6.0
Testing System - Windows XP
I am using the shutdown shell command Shell ("shutdown -s -f -t 15")
to shut down the machine. The problem is when I executing the command a system shutdown counter is also appearing by default, as you can see in the picture below
If I set -t 00
, the system shutdown counter is not appearing but the machine is shutting down without any delay which I don't want.
I want to wait 15 sec, also I want not to see this shutdown counter in the 15 sec waiting period.
Any ideas, how I can achieve this?
Take a Timer control
Properties of the Timer
Enabled -> True
Interval -> 1000
Dim x As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Enabled = False
x = 15
End Sub
Private Sub btnShutdown_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
x = x - 1
If x = 0 Then
Shell ("shutdown -s -f -t 00")
End If
End Sub
Thanks to @Steeeve for the hint.