Liferay 7.3.2.
I'm using a sitemap to create link boxes that link to other pages in the website. Links and names and all else is basic stuff, but I have no idea, if and how I could get images for the boxes.
Asset publisher
would've been my first choice, as I've done similar stuff before with them, but I can't find a way to add pages to the publisher, so I'm not sure if it's viable here. Of course, I could create an asset publisher that would ask for a name, image and a link, but this should be automatic to avoid extra hassle.Sitemap
allows for automation, if you just map the page correctly, but getting the image would still be a problem.Navigation menu
I haven't really put much thought into, as there will be many pages with link boxes and would be really hard to control. The image would be a problem as well.The optimal solution would be to get the image from the page the link takes the user to, but if that's impossible, I wonder if there's a way to give webpage an image, that could be shown here.
Got it working with a bit of looking around! This can help with same kind of problems others might be facing, so I'll gladly answer this myself!
From Admin panel, go to Settings and Additional Fields
Select Page and add a field to it. After filling the details, you should be able to see this field in the page settings for every page.
Go to page settings and fill out your info. In my case, I created a text field, that will be used for image URLs.
Finally, in your Application Display Template, you can find the field by writing:
${entry.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Extra field")}
, Extra Field being the name of your field. Remember to put conditional statements, if necessary!