I have to get system specific info as shown. I was checking out the platform module, but I was not able to get the information exactly as shown.
“OS”: “Ubuntu 20.04",
“Memory”: 232423423434,
“system Time”: “15:02:13 +0530”,
“Timezone”: “Asia/Kolkata”
Any standard libraries in Python which would give me the output as specified ?
here's something cross-platform, close to what you describe (collected from various sources):
from platform import uname
print(f"OS: {uname().system} {uname().release}, {uname().version}")
from psutil import virtual_memory # pip install psutil
print(f"Memory: {virtual_memory().total}")
from datetime import datetime
print(f"System Time: {datetime.now().astimezone().strftime('%H:%M:%S %z')}")
from tzlocal import get_localzone # pip install tzlocal
print(f"Timezone: {get_localzone()}")
Example outputs
OS: Linux 5.11.0-27-generic, #29~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 11 15:58:17 UTC 2021
Memory: 33314279424
System Time: 17:22:20 +0200
Timezone: Europe/Berlin
OS: Windows 10, 10.0.19041
Memory: 20796862464
System Time: 17:18:31 +0200
Timezone: Europe/Berlin
OS: Linux, #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 22:23:49 UTC 2021
Memory: 16252194816
System Time: 17:20:07 +0200
Timezone: Europe/Berlin