currently I'm trying to decode JSON with a nested Array. The nested array can have some random numbers of the object inside it. I try to decode it but turns out it return an errors
CodingKeys(stringValue: "itenaries", intValue: nil),
debugDescription : "Expected to decode Array<Any> but found a dictionary
Sample JSON data
"itenaries": {
"itenary_location_name":"Batu Caves Temple"
"itenary_location_name":"KL Tower "
"itenary_location_name":"KL Forest Eco Park"
My Struct
struct Itenaries : Codable {
let itenaries : [[Days]]
struct Days : Codable {
let itenary_id : Int
let itenary_location_name : String
Decoding Implementation
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let itenary = try decoder.decode(Itenaries.self, from: fileData)
Where do you decode the days
key? That's the problem. You need an intermediate struct
struct Root : Decodable {
let itenaries : Itenary
struct Itenary : Decodable {
let days : [[Days]]
let result = try decoder.decode(Root.self, from: fileData)