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Multiple Functions using Functional Bean Definition in Spring Cloud for AWS Lambda

I am trying to create a Spring Cloud Function application which will have multiple functions defined in it. I need to use the Functional Bean definition approach for reduced cold start time. The jar will be deployed in AWS Lambda.

The code works in local environment and I am able to curl for all the functions defined. However when deployed in Lambda , the function is not getting located by AWS.

The code runs and is working as expected on Lambda ,if there is only 1 function defined.

I will mention below the things that I have tried.

  1. Followed the Spring Doc to create the project
  2. This works fine in local and also runs in Lambda with Handler as per the comment by Thannasi on mydeveloperplanet blog post
  3. Next I added few more functions and registered them with the Generic ApplicationContext
public class Multi_FunctionalBean1Application implements ApplicationContextInitializer<GenericApplicationContext> {
                public static void main(String[] args) {
          , args);
                public Function<String, Boolean> containsCloud() {
                    return value -> {
                        System.out.println("Value is " + value);
                        return value.contains("cloud");
                public Function<String, String> lowercase() {
                    return String::toLowerCase;
                public Function<String, String> uppercase() {
                    return String::toUpperCase;
                public void initialize(GenericApplicationContext context) {
                    context.registerBean("containsCloud", FunctionRegistration.class,
                            () -> new FunctionRegistration<>(containsCloud())
                    context.registerBean("uppercase", FunctionRegistration.class,
                            () -> new FunctionRegistration<>(uppercase()).type(FunctionType.from(String.class).to(String.class)));
                    context.registerBean("lowercase", FunctionRegistration.class,
                            () -> new FunctionRegistration<>(lowercase()).type(FunctionType.from(String.class).to(String.class)));
                    context.registerBean("getLength", FunctionRegistration.class,
                            () -> new FunctionRegistration<>(AnotherDemoFunction.getLength())
                    context.registerBean("getSquare", FunctionRegistration.class,
                            () -> new FunctionRegistration<>(DemoFunction.getSquare())
  1. This runs fine in local, I am able to call all the functions separately eg. localhost:8083/lowercase -d ":SFDLKLs is A " and localhost:8083/getSquare -d 2
  2. I tried running this on Lambda , but I get the exception Failed to locate function. Tried locating default function, function by '_HANDLER' env variable as well as' I used the same handler function as before. Additionally provided the environment variable spring_cloud_function_definition with one of the function names as value
  3. I tried also by changing the handler function to However it gives the exception of missing FunctionCatalog

Below are my dependencies and build plugin. spring-boot-starter-parent version is 2.5.4

        <!-- Required only during build phase for spring tests to pass and local run-->


        <!-- Basic Spring Cloud Function dependency -->

        <!-- AWS Specific dependency for deployment in Lambda -->


        <!-- Required for reading the AWS Lambda Request/Response event in Proxy 
            Mode -->

    <!-- Created Shaded and Thin jars -->

Is there any other way to have multiple Functions in Spring Cloud Functional Bean Definition for AWS Lambda


  • With help of Oleg's Comment I was able to achieve multiple functions with Functional Bean definition on AWS Lambda.

    The changes done were as below

    1. Emptied the main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
                //, args);
    1. Removed the function-webflux dependency and added function-web. Upgraded all spring cloud function dependencies to 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT. Updated pom below
            <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
            <!-- AWS Specific dependency for deployment in Lambda -->
            <!-- Required for reading the AWS Lambda Request/Response event in Proxy 
                Mode -->
            <!-- -->
        <!-- Created Shaded and Thin jars -->
                <name>Spring Snapshots</name>
                <name>Spring Milestones</name>
                <name>Spring Snapshots</name>
                <name>Spring Milestones</name>
    1. Changed the handler function in AWS Lambda to

    1. For running any specific function , used the Environment Variable spring_cloud_function_definition with function name as the value or a composition like func1|func2|func3