I'm trying to understand what some Python keywords and functions do by reviewing this code that takes in matrices and adds the numbers within the said matrices, but I'm having some troubles understanding what some of these lines of code mean. An explanation that's easy to understand for programming newbies like me would be great help.
Here is the code.
# input operation
op = input("Enter operation : ")
#if operation is addition
if(op == "add"):
# A and B for two matrix
A = []
B = []
#input dimensions for A matrix,
A_row, A_col = input("Dimension for matrix A : ").split()
#convert dimensions to int type
A_row = int(A_row)
A_col = int(A_col)
#input, elements of matrix A
for i in range(A_row):
# input rows wise
print("Enter elements for row", i+1)
row = list(map(int, input().split()))[:A_col]
#append row to matrix A
#input, dimension for matrix B
B_row, B_col = input("Dimension for matrix B : ").split()
#convert to increate a matt type
B_row = int(B_row)
B_col = int(B_col)
#input for matrix B, elements
for i in range(A_row):
print("Enter elements for row", i+1)
row = list(map(int, input().split()))[:B_col]
#create a matrix for result with 0 of size of matrix A size
result = [([0]*A_col) for i in range(A_row)]
# loop and do addition of A and b , store to result matrix
for i in range(A_row):
for j in range(A_col):
result[i][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j]
#print result
for row in result:
for x in row:
print(x, end=' ')
#if operation is not valid
print("Invalid operation")
My Questions:
at the end of row = list(map(int, input().split()))[:A_col]
afterwards seems to be a blur to me. Especially that result = [([0]*A_col) for i in range(A_row)]
. What does that specific line mean and what exactly is its purpose in this code? The comment placed right above it does not really help me.I know what bracket operators do but I fail to understand the purpose of that [:A_col]
at the end of row = list(map(int, input().split()))[:A_col]
is called list slicing
The way it works is that given a list, you can choose take a subset of it by 'slicing' it. You can give it a starting position (default is 0) and an end position (default is end of list) and that's how you would slice it. In your case you are slicing the list from index zero until index A_col
not including.result = [([0]*A_col) for i in range(A_row)]
is compiled of a few things so I will break it down,A_col
containing zeros.Hope that clears some things up