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blogdown not inserting archetype when selected

I have a website setup using hugo and blogdown. I have an archetype setup called, located at /themes/silhouette-hugo/archetypes/, that looks like this:

title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: true
  - Software Development
  - Untagged
featureImage: images/nelson_lakes_photo.jpg


I went through the New Post addin in RStudio: enter image description here

However the markdown file I got didn't include the archetype style

title: test
author: Conor Neilson
date: '2021-08-22'
slug: []
categories: []
tags: []

This used to work fine, it's only stopped working in the last few months.

Hugo version is 0.87.0, blogdown version 1.4.3.

Source code for my website is here


  • I just fixed this bug in blogdown. You may try the dev version:


    (Remember to restart R)