I haven't been able to find a solution to apply operator precedence for the current grammar rules I have. These are concerning unary and binary operators like +, -, *, etc. These operations are then considered as expressions.
The grammar/precedence rules I have are like the following (with uppercase words as tokens):
%left MUL DIV
expr : expr binop expr {$$ = new BinOpExpression($1, $3, $2);}
| NOT expr {$$ = new UnaryBooleanNegationExpression($2);}
| MINUS expr %prec UMINUS {$$ = new UnaryNumericNegationExpression($2);}
| LPAREN expr RPAREN {$$ = $2;}
: PLUS { $$ = new Add(); }
| MINUS { $$ = new Sub(); }
| MUL { $$ = new Mul(); }
| DIV { $$ = new Div(); }
| GT { $$ = new GreaterThan(); }
| GE { $$ = new GreaterOrEqual(); }
| ...
The problem with this is that the precedence rules are only applied on the unary minus operator. For example, the solution my compiler returned for the expression "1+-2*3-8" was 11 and not -13. The expression was evaluated as (prefix notation):
-(3, 8)
This shows that the operators were applied in the order they were found. To solve this I added a new rule to expr for each operator (like below) which solved the problem:
expr : expr PLUS expr {$$ = new BinOpExpression($1, $3, new Add());}
| expr MINUS expr {$$ = new BinOpExpression($1, $3, new Sub());}
| expr MUL expr {$$ = new BinOpExpression($1, $3, new Mul());}
| expr DIV expr {$$ = new BinOpExpression($1, $3, new Div());}
| ...
But I'd like to avoid this because then I have to convert 1 rule (e.g. expr binop expr
) to 19 different rules (one for each unary, binary and assignment operation) just to add correct operator precedence. Is there a way to avoid this but still get the correct operator precedence?
The basic problem you're seeing is that each rule can only have one precedence, so what should the precedence of the rule expr: expr binop expr
be? So you need to have at least one rule for each precedence level. You could do something like:
expr : expr addop expr %prec PLUS
| expr mulop expr %prec MUL
addop : PLUS | MINUS
mulop : MUL | DIV
which does not require quite as many expr rules, but isn't really any simpler than just using a separate rule for each operator.