After reading several other questions, it looks like it's not advisable to have an entity class use a Repository. So given these repositories:
class RestaurantRepository {
public function findAll() { ... }
class ReviewRepository {
public function findByRestaurant(Restaurant $restaurant) { ... }
I should not do this in my class:
class Restaurant {
public function getReviews() {
// ...
return $restaurantRepository->findByRestaurant($this);
Buts let's say I have this controller, which gives a list of Restaurants to the view:
class IndexController {
public function indexAction() {
$restaurants = $restaurantRepository->findAll();
$this->view->restaurants = $restaurants;
What is the "good practice" to get each restaurant's reviews in the view script? I can therefore not do this:
foreach ($this->restaurants as $restaurant) {
$reviews = $restaurant->getReviews();
And I guess that injecting the ReviewRepository in the view is not what we can call a "best practice" as well...
Any comment welcome!
If you need to have the reviews with the restaurant, your restaurant repository should (perhaps, optionally) retrieve these with the restaurant. These would be stored in the class instance as a collection of Reviews along with each Restaurants other data. This will allow you to construct a more efficient query that will get all the data in one go and populate the required objects. The design pattern is called aggregate root.
class RestaurantRepository {
public function findAll($withReviews = 0) { ... }
class IndexController {
public function indexAction() {
$restaurants = $restaurantRepository->findAll(1);
$this->view->restaurants = $restaurants;
foreach ($this->restaurants as $restaurant) {
foreach ($restaurant->reviews as $review) {