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Is there a Ruby/Rails clause for grouping by an attribute and finding groups with two different attributes?

I have many Sandwich 's

I am looking to group them by a :user_id

By which that user_id group has at least one Sandwich with jelly and one with peanut butter

My best attempt is :'topping = ? AND topping = ?', "jelly", "peanut butter")

But I think that syntax is geared more towards counting.

These would be matches I would want..

  [user_id: "X123", topping: "peanut_butter"],
  [user_id: "X123", topping: "jelly"]
  [user_id: "Y444", topping: "peanut_butter"],
  [user_id: "Y444", topping: "jelly"],
  [user_id: "Y444", topping: "jelly"]


  • You can achieve this in SQL using an inner join:

    SELECT DISTINCT sandwiches.user_id
    FROM sandwiches
    INNER JOIN sandwiches sandwiches_alias
      ON sandwiches.user_id = sandwiches_alias.user_id
    WHERE sandwiches.topping = "jelly"
      AND sandwiches_alias.topping = "peanut butter";

    This will return just the relevant user_ids.

    With this data, you can make your grouping query much simpler:

    user_ids = Sandwich.connection.execute(the_above_sql).flatten
    Sandwich.where(user_id: user_ids).group(:user_id)