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Why is process_resident_memory_bytes{job="prometheus"} showing no data points?

I've just gotten started with prometheus locally and while it runs and I can see most metrics, I can't see process_resident_memory_bytes.

All the set up I've done so far is download prometheus and edit my YAML like so:

  scrape_interval: 10s
 - job_name: prometheus
    - targets:
       - localhost:9090
 - job_name: node
    - targets:
      - localhost:9100

When I search for the process_resident_memory_bytes metric, I see nothing and executing it as a query shows 'No data points found'

Can anyone explain if I'm missing an additional set up step?

I'm using prometheus-2.26.0.darwin-amd64.tar.gz.


  • It looks like you are running on macOS, as noted by your use of the prometheus-2.26.0.darwin-amd64.tar.gz tarball. As a Prometheus developer notes in this GitHub discussion those process_... metrics are not available on the Darwin/macOS platform at this time. This would include the metric you mentioned: process_resident_memory_bytes.