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How to add auto property using Codedom

I am trying to generate auto propery using codedom but with no luck. I tried different solutions and each one causing issue. I am trying to generate something like below

        [FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "AllTabs")]
        public IWebElement SaveButton { get; set; }

I was able to create attribute with no issue but unable to create auto property.

if I try to use the solution listed from here autoproperty i.e

        CodeTypeDeclaration newType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("TestType");
        CodeSnippetTypeMember snippet = new CodeSnippetTypeMember();

        snippet.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("this is integer property", true));
        snippet.Text="public int IntergerProperty { get; set; }";


Then I am unable to add the attribute over the Property, it just prints out the property without the attribute. Is there any way to generate auto property and also use attributes?


  • Evidently you did not understand the answer you refer to. It is inserting literal text into the source stream, so the following should work for you:

            var newType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("TestType");
            var snippet = new CodeSnippetTypeMember();
            snippet.Text = @"
    [FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = ""AllTabs"")]
    public IWebElement SaveButton { get; set; }

    Just be very aware that CodeSnippetTypeMember completely ignores the validation that CodeDom provides, so it's very easy to generate non-compiling code using this mechanism. Roslyn does support auto-properties natively when in a C# context.

    As the accepted answer on the linked question states, the reason that CodeDom does not support auto-properties is that they are syntactic sugar that do not exist in all .NET languages, and CodeDom is intended to be as language-agnostic as possible. Therefore, CodeDom cannot know about or support the concept of an auto-property.