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try-except and a list of dictionary

I have a list of dictionaries to describe the format. I would like to print only "US" using try/except construct. Because I might have more lists, which don't have a "nationality" tag. I only think of if/else construct. Please help me. Thanks!

list_components = js['results'][0]['list_components']
        for item in list_components:
            item["types"] == ["nationality", "political"]
            print('The nationality information for the list:', item["short_name"])
        print('No nationality is available for this list.')


  • Here is a very naive approach to what you want to achieve. But this is not considered a good practice. It's like making something out of something and ignoring all the good rules programmers adopt.

    list_components = js['results'][0]['list_components'] 
    for item in list_components:
            #Generate error when there is no nationality otherwise print nationality 
            status = item["types"][0] == "nationality"
            status and print("Nationality: ", item["short_name"])
            raise ValueError
            #Print prompt
            not status and print("No Nationality")

    This solution does not require any try/catch construct and can be solved purely with if-else. In case anyone else needs it, here is a better and simple solution.

    for item in list_components:
        print("Nationality: " item["short_name"]) if item["types"][0] == "nationality" else print("No Nationality")