I am following the following tutorial https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-account-move?tabs=azure-portal when I deploy the resource it says validation passed but then deployment failed with error bellow,
"code": "DeploymentFailed",
"message": "At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see https://aka.ms/DeployOperations for usage details.",
"details": [
"code": "InvalidXmlDocument",
"message": "XML specified is not syntactically valid.\nRequestId:xxxx-xxx-xxx-36f2-xxx\nTime:2021-08-23T07:41:21.5159975Z"
There is just json file and no XML anywhere? Just export template and deploy.
After reading a lot from,
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/340510/arm-templates-storageaccountsfileservices-error-34.html Facing Issues on Deploying template for Azure File Share Storage Account
I have removed the fileServices, queueServices and tableServices from the template.json file and it works.