My goal is to update an API using Apps Script but I cannot work out how to do it. For simplicity sake here is my code:
let APIkey = "...";
let url = "..."
newData = {"stock_status": "instock"}
//Update API
The problem is I do not know how to get any further. I have read the relevant docs to this API but to no avail and I couldn't find anything about put requests in the Apps Script docs.
You need to use UrlFetchApp.
I don't know how your API accepts authentication, but assuming it accepts the key as a URL parameter then you can do something like:
let APIkey = "..."
let url = "..."
const newData = {
"stock_status": "instock"
var options = {
'method' : 'PUT',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload' : JSON.stringify(newData)
UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${url}?key=${APIkey}`, options);
You can read the full documentation on fetch