I'm getting an error when trying to run migrations to a PostGres database when I'm adding an enum. I'm using Dotnet5 and Entity Framework
ALTER TYPE ethnicity_enum ADD VALUE 'hi'; Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 25001: ALTER TYPE ... ADD cannot run inside a transaction block
Here's the migration that is created:
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
.Annotation("Npgsql:Enum:patient_ethnicity_enum", "afna,hi")
.OldAnnotation("Npgsql:Enum:patient_ethnicity_enum", "afna");
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
Any ideas how to solve this?
Following a comment from Adrian, I found you can do it this way.
migrationBuilder.Sql("ALTER TYPE patient_ethnicity_enum ADD VALUE 'hi'", true);
The "true" parameter is for suppressing the transaction.
This works but It's not ideal as rolling the migration back could potentially cause massive issues on live data.