I configured ssl on tomcat with the below steps.
imported the cert to jks
keytool -import -alias *.company.com -trustcacerts -file D:\OpenText\keystore\star_company_com_vm1.p7b -keystore D:\OpenText\keystore\server_company_com.jks
configured web.xml
When I open the deufalt page within the server with FQDN of server(like server.domain.com), the certificate loads properly.
But if I open outside of the server(internet) by dns url(like dns.domain.com), certificate not trusted issue arise.
The generated certificate has CN as *.domain.com and SAN as *.domain.com and individual dns fqdn urls . The url which have the cert issue is exactly the same as mentioned in SAN. what could be the issue ?
Keystore list:
issue resolved after importing PFX cert on web gateway